Predict and win.....

Be brave and Predict your own results " Pass or Fail "


pass ( you guys can lauff at me tommorow if you wanna )

but will we all be honest and post our results tomorrow be it pass/fail? i will

will do(in any case there is no upside to my result)

my heart says “pass” my head says “surely fail” I hope the heart beats the head ohhh…enough of crap…I know I will fail I strangely remember the words of a good looking prostitute who told my friend when he asked her out: “First Deserve, Then Desire”

I’ll go with PAIL… could honestly go either way! Call me lame or cheesy but i’m sticking with my PAIL!

PAIL!!! crazy u started drinking already??? equity_research_nds

everyone gets a Feeling after the exam … and this first feeling after the exam is usually very correct…and the actual result usually does not outgeneral the first feeling so guys what was that particular feeling…

I was thinking fail as of last week. But today I feel it will be a solid Pass.

pimp, yo yo yo son whats happening


wat say guys do you think you can start drinking now and last the full 24.2190 hours … i cant


Crazy to do this! Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > PAIL= PASS or FAIL… hence PAIL ======================== now i need to start drinking

Mr. Repeater …was it really ur friend who got a kick on his ass or is it based on ur personal experiences ?

People are on edge and have lost their sense of humour! Come on guys we are almost there! Lighten Up… almost less than 24hrs to go!

Crazy to do this! Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > People are on edge and have lost their sense of > humour! Come on guys we are almost there! Lighten > Up… almost less than 24hrs to go! =========================================== 24.1100 hrs to go not less than 24 hrs

We should establish contracts on our performance. Everyone gets $10,000 worth of play money and we buy contracts on each other (no, not the hit-man kind), that pay $100 if we pass and 0 if we fail.

I said almost equity