Printing CFA mocks

Is it possible to print the CFA mocks (the 2 online ones) so I can do them on paper to simulate the exam instead of on my computer?

and on that note is anyone else getting an error when trying to access the “practice tests and mock exams” section of the cfa website? the last few days it wont let me access it,…

yes. hit print, then go to the next vignette, hit print, etc. all the way to the end. If you want to enter the answers online restart the test. make sure you enter the correct answer (as opposed to entering A,B or C), because I noticed they shift if you try to redo the same mock.

Still no access to the mocks for me;

An Error Occurred

Please try again, or contact us if you continue to experience this error. (Error ID 8741780 )

They certainly like to make the studying experience a challenge for candidates!