Problems With Recommending Books

Fantasy isn’t for everyone. I’d echo what JBT said and go with ASOIAF.

You could always pickup a copy of American Psycho. I heard it’s pretty good.

Greenman, I got one for you. I recommend this series: The adventures of Hap Collins and Leonard Pine, two good ol’ boys from east Texas who have a way of getting into some bad fixes, as written by Joe R. Lansdale.

Savage Season is the first book. I actually listen to them on Audible. The narrator really brings it to life.

Or, Greenie could become the third person on this forum to have read the tales of Logen Ninefingers in The First Law Trilogy.

Probably my third favorite series of books of all time.

The old fashioned way. I.e. door to door.

Well wine stores and restaurants.

Do you think you could consistently generate earnings with that NBA gig ?

Not any more. Two years ago I thought I was sitting on a potential gold mine side hustle… but after getting booted from one website (5Dimes) and limited at another website (, I just don’t think it’s very viable as a continuing gig. There used to be some low hanging fruit dangling around out there – but now I think that the oddsmakers and lines managers have gotten a lot more sharp and savvy.

bezos is the antichrist.

What are the first two? (LOTR and ASOIAF, I’m guessing.)

i don’t hate my job, I also don’t love it but I do like finance I just spend all day reading about it and talking about it so when I read outside of work I want it to be something totally different.