Progress check

How far did you go? I’m on reading 39 now and have skipped Book 1. I did all the EOC questions as I read through the main text. I’m planning to review blue boxes once and do more questions after I finish Book 6 and leave GIPS and Ethics for the last two weeks. I’m feeling a little bit behind. Any suggestions?

What’s your plan? Please share your strategy. Thanks.

Cut off all contact with the world and study 20 hours on weekends and 2 hours on weeknights. Do all the EOC, blue boxes and old exams and you should pass.

read all except book 1 as well…should finish with Eoc and blue boxes by tonight first practice on AM essay test tomorrow…have been increasing time spent reviewing and from here to test will be everyday after work 5 hrs (which probably is only 3.5 of actual study time to be honest) and aprox another 5 hrs per weekend day…which means being at my desk for 7 or 8 as i am hitting a wall i find i am taking a lot of short breaks…as well as checking up on the masters scores frequently…always seems to be some kind of distraction…march madness to masters to NBA playoffs…neverending…alright enough break and back to practice.

I read all volumes except volume 1 as well. Finished about a week ago. Going through 2010 AM session now. I’m doing much better on it than I thought I would.

For the practice exam, after every few questions I’m re-reading sections, terms, formulas, etc that I’ve determined that I’m weak on. I think once I finish the 2010 practice exam, I’ll go through the EOCQ’s and blue boxes for those sections that I am weak on, and then re-assess with the 2011 practice exam… and continue like this over the next 1.5 months. Just keep on improving on where I am weak.

All the heavy underlining, circles of words, and margin-notes I made while reading are helping immensely as well in allowing me to skim sections rapidly and get all the key points of information.

And of course I got to break up the monotony of the study by taking a break to browse forums, watch videos, etc.

3 subjects still to go for me…!!! :frowning:

Read the Schweser Books. Did Schweser EOC. Now watching Video Lectures. Up to SS 8 now. Working through CFAI EOCs as well.

Will switch to only test questions by end of the month. No more reading or passive learning.

Finished SCH except S18 and the Ethic. Did Sch end of ch questions

HELP HELP … so far behind. Can someone tell me what’s best/important … 1) on CFAI books, are the EOC questions more imporant than blue box examples? 2) For ethics, is CFAI text the best?