Put Call Forward Parity

In Example 10 of Reading 49 reagarding put call Forward Parity, the synthetic put is 4.88 and actual put is 3. So I understand completely that we buy the put and sell the synthetic put.

The synthetic put is given by p = c + (X-F(0,T))/(1+r)^T

Synthetic put could be read as buying call option, buying the bond and selling the forward?

Here we are selling the synthetic put, in that case it should be equivalent ( based on right hand side of teh equation) to selling the call ( which am fine) but I cannot understand why we should buy the bond, we should short bond, no?

Please let me know


A long put is equivalent to a long call plus a long bond plus a short forward.

A short put is equivalent to a short call plus a short bond plus a long forward.

Thanks S2000, exactly my point but in the solution

it says the following:

Buy put : -3

Sell synthetic put:

Sell Call : +15.25

Buy bond : -10.37 ? This is what am not able to understand. We should short the bond too, correct?


S2000Magician, you are spot on, but as mentioned above…why does it mention in the solution we are Selling the Call and Buying the Bond?

Short Put = Short Bond (among other things)


S2000Magician, you are spot on, but as mentioned above…why does it mention in the solution we are Selling the Call and Buying the Bond?

Short Put = Short Bond (among other things)