Quake Live

Anyone playing the beta?

My roommate in college use to sit up till 5am and play that game. I would be done with classes for the day and he would be just getting out of bed. The good ole days.

used to play CS like your roomie moneyman

itstoohot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > used to play CS like your roomie moneyman My whole floor when i was in engineering use to do this. We would get a good 20 people goin on a LAN party. Wasnt a whole lot of women on that floor my first year. Maybe thats why i switched to finance…hah

Man that sounds identical to my freshman year at Georgia Tech!

My first week as a freshman on a math/science/engineering floor was exactly like that. An entire floor of nerdy comp_sci_kid types. It was the first time I ever connected to the LAN, compared to the modem at home, and I was downloading MP3s like mad or streaming movies over the network - it was GREAT! Makes me so happy thinking of it.

Never got into quake… was a huge fan of d2 and cs and played a lot of heroes and civ thinking finance though - Compsci what are your thoughts on owning these companies? for what its worth disclosure wise I’m long ATVI, THQI, TTWO amazingly I opportunistically picked up more THQI yesterday after earnings disaster and am up on my position ytd

JasonU sorry, i cant comment on public forums regarding market or economy in general :frowning:

well at least we can agree D3 will be spectacular

No joke, my sister was a reigning west coast champion in quake 3. She had sponsors and everything. I’m glad to see she snapped out of it as she got older and became normal.

comp_sci_kid Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > JasonU sorry, i cant comment on public forums > regarding market or economy in general :frowning: But you can be an ultra N-E-R-D nonetheless. :wink:

doom3 ? thats old

itstoohot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > used to play CS like your roomie moneyman were you one of those jerks that jumped around in the air and still managed to kill me? I was never good at that game.

Oh man i got big into d2 for awhile. Wasnt that good at it though, i think i may have actually tried buying a couple of items on those websites people ran.

Is this where all the chicks are hanging out?