Quant...Schweser vs CFAI Readings

Ok…here is a Qbank analysis for you. 2 months ago I read the Schweser Quant section…did a 60 q bank on it and got 54%. Then I got freaked out…read all of the other sections…worked all of the Qbank (except FSA). Then this morning…I read the CFAI reading on Quant and did 2 60 Q Qbanks on Quant and got 85% and 78% Anybody else have the opinion that Schweser doesn’t cover Quant well. I urge anyone on the forum to take the time to read the CFAI on this…I also plan on reading it on all the technical sections (Swaps/FCFE models/real estate valuations…etc)

jasonindc, you are speaking my language… Schweser has its place… i use the qbank as a side plate… but the plate for the dish is pthe CFAI text. CFAI text is the native language, schweser is a foreigner who has learnt the language and is teaching it. In my view, the quant text book is one of the best among the six volumes. I urge all to make use of the text boks. Where it is too late you may either select some of the first among the equals like equity, FSA, ethics, and PM and look at them. OR take a look at the summaris at the end of the chapters. …but by all means take a look at the questions. The CFAI questions on derivatives are literally beautiful! if the questions are too heavy take a look at the solved ones in the chapters, they have a way of touching on all the key issues to break you in slowly… may some one catch the vision…

I agree totally! In fact, i’m not at all pleased with the schweser texts. I don’t know how people are managing to learn anything from their books. The fundamentals are not even clear. I’m reading the CFAI text throughly (most of the readings) and then working out the end of chapter problems and the Qbank problems. Seems to be working for me. But yes, it’ quite tiring…sigh.

cfa text gives loads of extra info and i think the best way is to work with both. Schweser are concise and good as a refresher. The main textbooks give a broader picture of each subject. i am presently working on derivatives swaps from cfa texts and the questions are quite good