
Which is least accurate? 1) The arithmetic mean is only measure of central tendency where the sum of the deviations of each observation from the mean is always zero. 2) The arithmetic mean of a frequency distribution is equal to sum of class frequency times the midpoint of the frequency class all divided by number of observations. 3) All interval and ratio data sets have arithmetic mean. 4) If the distribution is skewed t left then the mean will be greater than median.


I think B as well.


So… A. :slight_smile:

ahhh its d that skew left threw me off!

4 A skewed distribution has the mean to the left, than the median, than the mod at the peak of the curve. Mean

  1. I’ll say. negative skew. mean is less thn median.

WFT…??? It is true!!! I will go back to work…too busy to do both thing at the same time…Otherwise I will only get pissed off! :slight_smile:

At skewed distributions, the mean is always further on the tail, to the left if the skew is negative, to the right if the skew is positive. The Median falls always between the mean and the mode. The mode is where the peak of the curve is, signifying greater number of observations around that value.

4 is the answer.

don’t worry strangedays, u just didn’t take the time to read the Q

yeah, it is true. frequency polygon gives you the arithmetic mean, because you are already average parts of it arrive at polygon, and averages of baby averages, is equal to average of all those number that makes baby averages. excuse my french.

Just remember that the skewness always pulls the mean away from the median and mode. Mode will always be where the distribution curve is the tallest. Median is always between the two.