Quantitative: even HARDER than ethics

I thought earlier that ethics would give me the most difficulty. I realize now I was wrong. At least I have made some progress on the ethics section. I think I have a good chance of getting at least 70% on that section. Quantitative, on the other hand, is proving to be even more difficult for me. On the sample exam, I only got 43%. I have since learned covariance and have done some studying of other parts of Quantitative, but I’m only getting 55% on Q-Bank single-topic quizzes I’m giving myself. It seems that there are SO MANY things to study under Quantitative. Now I find myself wishing I had taken a full course in statistical theory.

there’s no theory here. just drill down the formulas to understand the logic behind them and you’ll be surprised at how many of them will click

I agree. You do not need to know much theory but hammer down the formulas. The essentials are st. dev, variance, and covariance. A lot of other answers and formulas are derived from these equations and knowing them is very important. Spend one day, for a few hours and just learn the formulas and do a few practice problems with each to see how to implement them. You will be amazed at your progress. Good luck!