query - Swaps

Which of the following is equivalent to a receive-fixed swap with a tenor of one and a half years with semi-annual swap payments and a fixed rate of 5 percent (exchanged for LIBOR)? Assume that the notional principal is $10,000,000. A) A strip of two forward rate agreements, which obligates the party to receive a fixed rate of 5% and pay six-month LIBOR on a notional principal of $10,000,000. B) A forward rate agreement, which obligates the party to receive a fixed rate of 5% and pay six-month LIBOR on a notional principal of $10,000,000. C) A forward rate agreement, which obligates the party to pay a fixed rate of 5% and receive six-month LIBOR on a notional principal of $10,000,000. D) A strip of three forward rate agreements, which obligates the party to receive a fixed rate of 5% and pay six-month LIBOR on a notional principal of $10,000,000. Your answer: D was incorrect. The correct answer was A) A strip of two forward rate agreements, which obligates the party to receive a fixed rate of 5% and pay six-month LIBOR on a notional principal of $10,000,000. This is an example of two 6 month FRAs. The first FRA is entered into at time 0 with the payment determined at 6 months and paid at 12 months. The second FRA is entered into at 6 months with the payment determined at 12 months and paid at 18 months. - why isnt D the answer… in fact in A, ultimately only two payments will be made… however, as per the original swap three payments will be made… thanks in advance…

That might help you… http://www.analystforum.com/phorums/read.php?12,697002,697002#msg-697002

thank u so much for your help… actually I am lagging behind others… so didnt realise this was already discussed…