Question for those who have taken 3 already

I am struggling with how to grade myself on the essay portions… Trying to follow schweser guidelines, but there seems to be a lot of grey area there… I am giving myself a range, but it is really hard to determine how much partial credit to give… For those of you who have taken 3 already, how did you grade yourself on the practice exams, and did you find you did better/worse than thought when you finally got your scores back… I want to hope that I am grading myself harder than on the real thing, as from what it seems there can be a lot of partial credit, but I am just not sure…

To be honest, the grading is subjective and a waste of time on the essay section, imo. You’d be better served to spend that extra time reviewing/understanding what the model answer is than figuring out what the grade “should be”. You’re either going to take the conservative approach and grade yourself harshly or optimistic and make you score better. Grade the multi choice, but don’t bother grading in depth with the essays.

Sponge_Bob_CFA Wrote: You’d be > better served to spend that extra time > reviewing/understanding what the model answer is > than figuring out what the grade “should be”. Excellent point! Learn that and find out what you score and miss, then improve. Look at BOTH CFA old exams (maybe at least 07-09) and Schwezer practice exam. The only reason I stress looking at Schwezer as well because CFA exam answers are sometimes very lengthy and vague, Schwezer practice exam can help to get a feel on model answer but NOT completely subsititute reading old exams.

thanks for the advice… it just seems too hard to objectively grade myself on these questions…

I’m not grading myself on the essay portions either. No point and too grey. Figure out what you got wrong and study it with the time you save.

How do the Schweser exams compare to the real deal?

^ easier