Question to holders of both CFA and FRM

How much of an intersection of curriculum do we have? I have a CFA charter, and am thinking of taking both parts of FRM on May 21st. I literally haven’t started preparing yet, actually haven’t even registered yet. Do you think a month is enough?

^Is enough for sure. Exam and questions are very hard. But passing rate is more than 50%. You would pass even if you think that you would fail after the exam. But if you are not comfortable with the idea of normal, uniform distribution, std dev, kurtosis, skewness etc. , you might rethink the torture

More than 60% of candidates failed in November 2010 FRM Part I exam. GARP recommends 150-200 hours of study for each part of the exam. If you are unemployed and plan to study full-time (like, 8 hours per day) then you may have enough time between now and May 21 to prepare for both Part I and Part II.

okay…I stand corrected…my information was dated since did that in 2007