
I am going to write another ridiculous post. On my CFA website, it only allows me to buy level 1 curriculum. Before I think I could buy all 3 levels. Does this mean anything? 1 more week…probably being paranoid Let me know what you guys thing. Anyone else experience this?

I had not checked before as to whether I could buy all 3 levels. However, even I can buy only for December 2011. I think this is only because I am still a ‘Level I Candidate’ until results are declared and I pass. I don’t think it means anything else in terms of passing the June 2011 exam… I hope I am correct! Relax! I think you are just being paranoid because the results will be out soon :slight_smile: Probably someone else who is confident of passing can confirm if they experience this.

I know for sure that about a month ago, I could buy all 3 levels, then that option disappeared and was only showing Dec 2011 curriculum, now nothing shows up and I see a message that I already bought curriculum and can’t buy any more…

For some reason, I can still purchase ‘December Level I curriculum’. However, I can purchase only the print version (not the ebook). I wonder if this is because I had purchased only the ebook version for June (and they still have an option for me to get the print version). IVC, had you purchased both versions for the June exam? Does anyone else see this issue? I hope it does not mean anything bad… I am worried now.

Def means you failed. Guys, you are acting crazy. It doesn’t mean anything, believe me. You will know soon enough unlike me who has to wait until mid August so enjoy the weekend.

Thanks JP_RL_CFA, that’s nice to hear :slight_smile: PS: I would have preferred had you not written the first line you wrote :stuck_out_tongue: I know I need to relax. Good luck for your L3 results.

I meant it means you all passed, obviously that’s what I meant lol and thank you, good luck to you as well.

Thanks JP_RL_CFA. Just to make it clear (so that when Dec/next year folks search and end up on this thread): It means nothing if you see the link or not. I was able to see the link to register and buy notes for December L1 exam, but I passed. Pay no attention to these registration links- they mean nothing.

Congrats! See, all that worrying for nothing.