Questions for John Rogers, President of CFAI....

I am heading to a Q&A engagement at my local society with John Rogers, the new President and CEO of CFAI, next week. Any CFAI questions you are interested in getting an answer to? Hopefully, I will get at least one serious question from you guys out there…

  1. too many candidates and charterholders the designation is losing its appeal. what do they think about that? 2. why can people with a degree from university of phoenix become charterholders?
  1. Why do “dumb” people end up attaining the charter? 4. Why is the exam content so faddish. For example it recently extolled the benefits of mortgage securitization ad infinity just when mortgages became the latest mania / bubble? 5. What was the rationale for raising the work experience requirement? Are individuals that much more proficient as a result of this extra year? 6. Why do you allow hot proctors to administer the exam? It provides a distraction to candidates.

40% increase? does it sound like a bubble to you?

  1. MBA vs. CFA? 8. Sell-side vs. Buy-side? 9. Can I get into IB from corporate finance? IT?
  1. Why did the CFAI really move from 4-3 multiple choice questions?
  1. Why isn’t Kelly Criterion in the curriculum? That shit is more valid than mean-variance frontier and Treynor-Black

TheAliMan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 7. Why isn’t Kelly Criterion in the curriculum? > That shit is more valid than mean-variance > frontier and Treynor-Black I was going to say too slow man

-What is with all that $hit about ICAPM, seriously?

  1. What is frank fabozzi like in real life? 5. Did you get that shirt from China?

ValueAddict Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > TheAliMan Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > 7. Why isn’t Kelly Criterion in the curriculum? > > That shit is more valid than mean-variance > > frontier and Treynor-Black > > > I was going to say too slow man I left the window open while multi-tasking. You’re so judging :slight_smile:

I like ValueAddicts #6…got me thinking…that might be why I failed L2 the first time…

-Who is David Einhorn? And why did Lehman fail? Similarly, what is Allied Capital?

I think Einhorn is a poker player. I hear he wears fruitful sweaters at his competitions.

  1. Would you consider requiring a nominal amount of approved qualified experience (i.e 1 year) to be eligible to sit for an exam? 13. Why is there no limit on the number of times people can retake the exam? 14. Should CE be mandatory for charterholders?

I like number 12

Why does it take 3 months to grade a multiple choice test? Does he do each one personally…with an abacus?

TheAliMan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I think Einhorn is a poker player. I hear he wears > fruitful sweaters at his competitions. Einhorn is Finkle! Finkle is Einhorn! Einhorn is a man!

LPoulin133 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Why does it take 3 months to grade a multiple > choice test? Does he do each one > personally…with an abacus? dear lord, please ask this! i’m assuming the answer is that the questions are so obscure and there are multiple answers for each questions, so they need to scrutinize whether or not each question is fair.

Since Level 2 and Level 1 are MC, why can’t Level 2 be offered 2x a year?