oh man vegas

this will be good for Trump during 2020 election… its a big win

Woah woah easy mate, im just laughing at anyone being entitled to anything least of all for something out of your control.

Additionaly i always find these weird arguments from a small section of immigrants who ‘made’ it so strange. They will insist that the bar must be raised and provide a rosy picture of how some janitor made it to the top ignoring the fact that if the bar was raised a bit earlier they would never be in their position. Its a classic flaw of the great capitalist machine married with human nature “i got mine so fuck you jack”.

The self reporting bias on how everything was just fine for them is the topping on the cake that every 21st century version of uncle tom would be proud of

its stupid but thats how the world works. how would you do it? ship us born babies to outside countries? or grant citizenship to everyone who isnt american? its actually quite funny, there’s a law that states that if a baby is born here, then the baby is a us ctitizen. how ridiculous!

my example, the dad. made his money as a janitor, saved it, then invested in parking lot then started flipping cars. now he owns multiple dealerships. im not even sure if he has a college education. but ur right, this is a rosy case.

we can do it by the big numbers if you like. gdp per capita in the Philippines is 3k vs 50k vs the us. the opportunity for a filipino migrant is about 47k/year. you dont think that the us deserves a piece of that big ass pie?

I am fully aware that most people struggled, or are struggling but we cannot let every person in. secondly who gives a shit, they should become a us citizen because they struggled? lol. we have to cherry pick the best. the bar needs to be raised because the demand is up, we need to choose the people who have the highest likelihood of adding value. so the young, the rich, and the smart.

having said that, im a democrat, voted obama/hilary, i consider myself a capitalist, but am borderline socialist. i think i mentioned that estate taxes should be much higher, and cap gains should be higher etc. but i dont think taxes we pay should help immigrants at all or even be sent out as foreign aid. so most definitely a nationalist. so a socialist nationalist that isnt a racist and believes in isolationism. :slight_smile:

Lol,that is not how it works.

I suppose it is idealism vs practicality. The whole idea of America is giving everyone irrespective of anything a fair go, this is after all inscribed on the statue of liberty and Americans take great pride in this. Of course, we all know that most Americans are hypocritical and all those poetic waxings should have come with a caveat that they only apply to White people. Even so this idea is at odds with vetting people based on how young, smart and rich they are.

As for the second part I’m unable to understand what you are saying. What do you mean the taxes you pay should not help immigrants at all? Immigrants are paying taxes as well, are you saying they should be taxed while being treated as second class citizens even though they are the best and the brightest simply for the gratefulness of being in the USA - A country that is in free-fall when it comes to Science and Mathematics? Lol, they will simply pack up and go elsewhere where they get a better deal or are you intentionally blurring the lines between illegals and immigrants?

You advocate blocking access to certain resources on factors out of a persons control so I don’t know if this is the American version of Socialism or you are taking the piss? Also uncertain why you keep bringing Janitor Dad up, in your theoretical world Janitor Dad would not have been allowed into the USA so his ‘hustle’ and the ‘opportunity’ provided is irrelevant. I am not a big fan of America so I too think that country should embrace isolationism - no better way of shooting yourself in the foot in todays world. Also, ‘Socialist Nationalist’? , there’s another word for that mate and it ain’t pretty.


i wouldnt call my personal opinion the general consensus in the us. or even agreeable to what the statue of liberty quote. i am speaking purely from a practical perspective. judging people for their color is bad, but judging someone for their intelligence, net worth, income, or age is not.

that’s exactly what im saying about immigrants, they arent citizens. they should have a higher tax bracket plus a nominal tax fee (like 10k + 40% of income) that way we set a bar and get the ones who make a lot of money. a good compromise is when both sides are dissatisfied. if people are still coming in droves, then we need to tweak the formula to the point that there is balance.you’re right if the bar was set higher, the janitor would not have been allowed here. but for that one success story, how many must have failed. lets stick with the high probability winners is all im saying.

immigrants are usually pre selected individuals, illegals are those that arent and cheat their way in for a better life. some might say this is harsh, but it is what it is, i have plenty of relatives that are/were illegals.they made a lot of money relative to their options at home before they were caught and deported. its quite funny, they maxed out their credit line before they want back home. as a big fu lol.

when i say isolationism, i dont mean trade, i mean political/military affairs, or foreign aid. something for nothing is retarded. trade though is quid pro quo.

It takes a special kind of dickhead to call the process where people leave everything they know, risk so much for daring to try and better the hand they were dealt as ‘cheating’.

Americas contribution in foreign aid is negligible as a percentage of gdp.It is one of the lowest amongst the developed countries and even trails a few arab nations. Once you remove foreign remittances which account for close to 50% of the total figure it barely registers. In addition to that america gains political influence by ensuring foreign aid goes to strategically right places. Lose that and Americas reach becomes a bit lesser. Its why developing countries are increasing their foreign aid despite more pressing donestic concerns.

It sounds like a talking point djt would be proud of, no real importance or substance but easy to whip up fervour over. Its intriguing that as the chasing pack continues to close in America and Americans seem intent on targeting all the wrong things

im not trying to be a dickhead, im merely stating facts. they knowingly took the risks so they should be ready to face the consequences. they couldnt come in legally so they decide to cheat the system to come up in life. is this not accurate? i wouldnt call illegals a special kind of asshole for coming and working at a place where they werent given permission. i actually respect their attempt to try and come up.

never mind the fact that it makes no sense to help your competitors:

retarded to compare to gdp. 40b is spent on foreign aid vs a 4 trillion overall treasury budget. defense spending is 500b, nearly 100b is spent on outside forces. so call it 140b total on outside spending. now out of the 4 trillion only 1 trillion is discretionary spending, so nearly 15% is dedicated to foreign aid or 140b/1t.

Criticizing US policy is what people in India do because they are too ashamed to address their domestic issues. Why don’t you go wash the sh*t on your street before spending time writing in some online forum? If all countries were as good as the US, there would be no immigration problem, since flows would be equal. Fact of the matter: US is not perfect, but even with flaws, people line up for years to get into this country. Unlike in many countries, there is a political discourse that is not perfect either, but is still much better than most places. Before you criticize others, make sure you are in a position to criticize first.

oh boy monkey got owned again lol

roflmao ohai is an uncle chan , i aint never met a banana before lol

america is too funny, only in that country could mindless slaves who get two weeks vacation drink the cool aid and get offended when people tell them its a shit country. rather than simply getting angry and wasting time defending themselves on an online forum maybe if they were not so ashamed and got to work it wouldn’t be such a crappy country that is hated from timbuktu to beijing

it’s k ool aid. jeez. did you grow up in babhulgaon or something?

Dayyyyyyum. Ohai tags in and gets the KO immediately!




Ohai for president.

Who are you?


i don’t think you know most canadians. a large percentage of canadians despise american society. i mean, 70% of them vote for hyper liberal parties and the other 30% vote for a party that is similar but more liberal than the democratic party. most canadians who have problems with the weather are happy to take a vacation or two in the winter and be snowbirds when they’re seniors. i’ve never met someone who was like “i can’t wait to move from toronto to LA” unless you’re a fame chasing loser, in which case, you probably just want to fit in and weather isn’t much of a factor.