Let’s get a sticky going. My last good read was
All the Money in the World: How the Forbes 400 Make–and Spend–Their Fortunes
Let’s get a sticky going. My last good read was
All the Money in the World: How the Forbes 400 Make–and Spend–Their Fortunes
Men in Black: How The Supreme Court is Destroying America by Mark Levin
The Fatal Conceit by FA Hayek
The Creature from Jekyll Island - Long and boring but worth it to fully grasp the central banking process and understand what money really is. Amazing how little attention this is given in most financial education.
Stranger from a Strange Land - Reading this at the moment and enjoying it.
^ I read Creature. A little too conspiracy theory for me. And the footnotes are a bit of a stretch. Basically there are 3 or 4 authors who come up with these theories and then use each other as references in their buooks to make it look like some rigorous research has been done.
But the basic premise on the effect of a fiat system is correct.
Right now I’m reading Ayn Rand’s Introduction to Objectivism – fascinating read. Bchad, I suggest you read it so you will no longer misrepresent her philosophy on this forum.
Agree re the conspiracy theory theme, think it is still worth reading for the explanation of the fiat system though.
SUGGESTION: The forum has hyperlinks. Link to your books on Amazon to help people who might want to buy stuff.
I just read 1776, which was quite good, as well as A money mind at 90, which was not. Next up will probably be John Adams.
I nominate a sticky of books to read.
I also enjoy fiction to give the old brain a rest. Stephen Frey is a private equity MD and writes fiction with financial undertones. Facinating stuff.
The Chairman has to be one of my favorite pieces by him.
Good rec, I’ll have to check that out. Not too many authors tackling the high finance genre – I guess the idea of a “finance thriller” is a bit of a stretch… or maybe not: Anything is possible with enough HCBs and murder / mayhem.
Just read the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Pretty good.
Also read Rendezvous with Rama, really good build-up but was disappointed with the ending.
FA Hayek and Mark Levin in the same sentance. Hayek most be rolling in his grave.
Fifty Shades of Gray.
Ponzi’s Scheme: The True Story of a Financial Legend
ISBN: 0812968360
Black Swan by Taleb. Next on the list is Sex, Lies and Headlocks.
Great book. The Madoff story broke right after I finished reading it.
really? Levin was arguing that SCOTUS has used the bench as an activist to fix things they feel are “wrong” I would not think Hayek would disgree with less govt trying to fix the world
I just read White Tiger by Aravind Adiga.
Bump. Can I get a stickey?
I finally decided to pick up Atlas Shrugged. Taken a long ass time, but I’m finally nearing the end. Got to say, even though I’m predisposed to liking her work, it’s been a surprisingly good read.
Nice, we haven’t had a good Librul vs rationality/morality throw down in a while. Let’s get it on!
Also, for anyone that hasn’t read Hawking’s The Universe in a Nutshell, you need to. For a slightly deeper dive, check out Brian Greene’s work. The Elegant Universe or The Fabric of the Cosmos are both great.
Those books have helped me more in finance than just about any investment tome.
/would have hyperlinked, but the formatting toolbar is about as intuitive as MS DOS