Read any good books lately?

I liked the man without qualities by robert musil, one of the most underrated works of literature…crime&punishment was pretty engaging and powerful …the trial/the castle by Kafka…and all stories by Jorge Luis borges are mind boggling

For anyone who liked Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead is also a great book. I actually liked it more than Atlas Shrugged.

Ugly Americans by Ben Mezrich

Born to Run!

The Pick-Up Artist. Solid read. Frankie, this is the book you need for hcb.

I recently finished the Hunger Games trilogy. Quick, entertaining, somewhat mindless reads, which is exactly what I look for in reading material. I’m currently reading Ulysses and Don Quixote, neither of which are mindless so far, but are novels I figure I should read before I die.

Probably one of my favorite books ever. I keep meaning to re-read it but it is a monstrously long read and I haven’t had the time…

I have the first Hunger Games book on my Kindle, so that’s up next.

I still have 200 pages left in Atlas Shrugged. I’ve enjoyed the book, but it’s a beast.

Edit: I’ve been distracted since I picked up The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Kind of sacrilegious to be a sci fi fan and not have read it.

Atlas shrugged is about one third too long…fountainhead is just right :slight_smile:

There is an e-book called Race Against the Machine which is really good. It’s only about 75 pages so a quick read. It provides a good perspective on employment issues and their cause (i.e. not interest rates but lack of qualification).

My Favorite too.

War room: The Legacy of Bill Belichick and the Art of Building the Perfect Team

Nice read during the offseason.

is it better than The Game?

^ I think so.

I just finished King of Capital. It’s about Blackstone & the PE industry. I enjoyed it.

I am currently reading Boomerang, enjoying it much.

2 thumbs up for Boomerang.

Just picked up Dark Pools. Looks like a solid read. Review to follow.

Dark Pools** High-Speed Traders, A.I. Bandits, and the Threat to the Global Financial System** In the beginning was Josh Levine, an idealistic programming genius who dreamed of wresting control of the market from the big exchanges that, again and again, gave the giant institutions an advantage over the little guy. Levine created a computerized trading hub named Island where small traders swapped stocks, and over time his invention morphed into a global electronic stock market that sent trillions in capital through a vast jungle of fiber-optic cables. By then, the market that Levine had sought to fix had turned upside down, birthing secretive exchanges called dark pools and a new species of trading machines that could think, and that seemed, ominously, to be slipping the control of their human masters. Dark Pools is the fascinating story of how global markets have been hijacked by trading robots–many so self-directed that humans can’t predict what they’ll do next.


Since you brought up the trading subject, I see your Dark Pools, and raise you these 2 classics (although 1 is fiction):

  • Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

  • Trading and Exchanges: Market Microstructure for Practitioners

I think these will be my next purchases.

I motion to ban discussion of finance books in this thread.