Recommended Member Type


I submitted my work experience and got my sponsors to fill out their portion and I am currently awaiting approval. However, under ‘Recommended Member Type’ of my application it says ‘Affiliate’ even though I applied for regular. Is this some sort of indication that my work experience is not getting approved?

Can’t be a regular member until you have passed LIII and have the 48 months experience. Once your work experience is approved it will change to regular.

I became a regular member before enrolling in Level II.


Does this mean that once you get your results for L3 you’ll immediately get the chater too, I’m assuming you pass, good luck for that

It used to be 36 months.

I am in fact a regular member. Level I and 48 months was required when I applied on 2010.

Well I see. I was more talking about the change from affiliate to regular CFA member.

That’s what I did. Joined as an affiliate member before enrolling in Level I. Then applied for regular membership status after passing Level I. Mainly, I wanted to be certain that the type of work I did qualfied for the experience requirement before going further.