
Does anyone know if there is some kind of database or website to find recruiters in a certain specialty/field?

I guess google.

glocap, though not sure how effective they will be in this enviroment

cfaboston28 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I guess google. No.

IronMan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > cfaboston28 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I guess google. > > No. Then try, many recruiters post job openings on that site. You can get their info from their. is a very good resource. It will find postings at efinancial and other sites. however, it will not find glocap’s listings. When I was looking for a job about a year ago, I went into glocap’s office for an on-site interview, and I did not find them particularly useful at the analyst / associate level. Using indeed, you should be able to find job listings posted by recruiters and you should be able to narrow it down to a few that you think can help you specifically.

Recruiters don’t even know the difference between back office and front office positions. All they do is look for key or “buzz” words in your CV that matches the description they received from the client.

former trader Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Recruiters don’t even know the difference between > back office and front office positions. All they > do is look for key or “buzz” words in your CV that > matches the description they received from the > client. This doesn’t apply to the top of the line recruiters. And Glocap isn’t even close to being in that group.

True. Good recruiters have worked in the industry for few years and they may call you for face to face interview before they submit your profile to clients.

I find Glocap completely depressing. I don’t think any position has even considered me there. It is depressing to go on the site and see “Application Rejected,” “You are scum,” “No way Jose,” etc. down the line. It gets me so depressed I don’t go and apply at other sites. So I don’t do Glocap anymore. I think their model is just to have the computer check off the boxes and spit out the matches, and then a human chooses from the top 6 picks. I never make it through the screens. If you want a job exactly like what you’ve done for the last 3 years, then Glocap can help. If you are making *any* changes to what you’re looking for, then you are likely going to be rejected. Has anyone else had success with Glocap? I seem to get more traction with SelbyJennings, for reasons I don’t really know.

glocap is for execs, a 20 year old probably wont get a job off it, but i could be wrong. use indeed and doostang and network everyday.

mean to say d.o.o.s.t.a.n.g. DOT come in post above ^

daj224 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > mean to say d.o.o.s.t.a.n.g. DOT come in post > above ^ Doostang is complete sh*t!! With their B.S. reserved groups that you have to apply for and get rejected for. Unless you’re already in the HF industry, you will get denied admission into the HF group which is complete and utter B.S.

I had a fine experience with Glocap, but found that they try to really “automate” the system. If you’re not from a traditional background, you’re probably a lot harder to place just because they have so many candidates going through their system. I had a few interviews with mid-sized hedge funds and private equity firms through them last year, and found their team to be generally helpful and good at communicating with me about prospective jobs.