Reduce the amount of immigration in Canada

I made good money off GE, one of my better trades! A+

Oh, so are you lying now or in this thread? Lol, sad bro. No need to compromise integrity to be right on the internet :-1:

From that exact page of that exact thread:

I exited during the like six months it was above $10, not for any particular reason, it was a portfolio move but it worked out. Even if you choose to completely ignore the reality, you’re still talking about a position I held at a 9 handle that’s still at a 9 handle.

Sorry for your loss again, SAD! A few days late, but I choose to take the high road like our POTUS.

Image result for haters and losers 911

BS: “It was one of my better trades! I made 11%!”

LOL, what a joke, man.

Image result for judges holding up score cards

It’s cool, I guess our definitions of “one of my better trades” are just wildly different.

Also, nice ninja edit :sob:

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What the fuck is a 9-handle?

edit: nvm I googled.

How you going to be m&aing on the buyside and not know what an x handle is?

Image result for sorry for your loss

Black Swan checking his stock positions.

I’m still learning to be cool.

Image result for yawn

i’m glad to see you have attained your degree in military strategy from the game of RISK. but you didn’t pay attention in class. australia is only good for hiding your troops and accumulating 2 troops per turn while the rest of the world fights a war of attrition.

seriously though, hawaii is closer to china than australia and there is already a massive naval base there and its america and there are closer launch points than australia. you may as well just launch directly from the mainland US if you’re considering australia. you are seriously suggesting that china is not going to do anything while the US accumulates like 500k troops in australia? and it must be 500k troops because you think 100-200k troops that are already within short range is nothing.

finally, first guy to post a GIF/jpeg during a debate is the loser. simple internettique.

AU far more substantial, offers a more protected position and access to more regions of CN, it also doesn’t directly put the US at risk. Very easy to look at the role AU played as a base in WW2 for reference. It’s also not an either or, which is a concept you really seem to struggle with, nobody plans a war around a single base or access point. That’s stupid.

Any actual conflict with CN would involve millions of troops, major supply chains and multiple fronts. Sure CN would actively oppose movements, but its a non-point, as is most of your erroneous rambling to date.

Since you’ve clearly migrated from failing to defend your flawed initial premise or even unseat any I’ve put forward to now making embarrassingly flawed statements about US troop bases, I acknowledge your sad defeat and am forced to declare victory over MLA. Just know, this gives me no joy.

Tough break Franky.

LOL, BS you trust MLA now?

There was no debate. You gave yourself an A+ for an 11% return and called it one of your best trades :grin:.

my best investment ytd is up ~100%. its prolly a typo for him.

sedg is a real good winner for me. the trade war made it super cheap, in what is otherwise a monopoly. here’s a recent bearish report though:

bs, i only started talking about the AU situation becuase i have already won the other debate. you’re arguing for “more urbanization” when that is not material in any way so okay i’m done with that conversation.

i know it may affect your ego, but the gif/jpeg comment was towards you. glad you agree with the logic and that you admit your defeat though.

best of luck in your new job as king of urbanization in an already highly urbanized world.