
I am going to register for Level II…Lets the good times roll… Who is with me…Study days are here again!!!

already done and confirmed to the tune of $700. Why are we doing this again? :wink:

seems like their site is down

Ready for pain again! Just now signed up for Level II in June, 2008.

i am thinking about it registering for LII. it’s going to be another painful, stressful 4 months. a $700 practice exam…damn!!

im in and anxious to get started on LII

I’m looking forward to L2 - no more weekends until June… :slight_smile:

The CFA website let me register for Level II, so It must mean my results were not a mistake. I am ready, i dont want to wait till june 09 for the first go round at level II.

Just registered for Level 2. I will be using the week or so before my books arrive to drink. Heavily.

This thing is not working for me…giving me error messages whenever I am trying to register

Whoever is registering afresh – please pay heed to the various questions. I believe they do an “Ethics style” question pattern with double negatives, etc. etc. on the questions related to Professional Conduct this time around!!!. CP

Too much traffic on the server - keep trying. I just registered for L2 (after a few minutes of trying).

I am done too…Level II here we come!!!

You guys are crazy. I’m planning on having a life in '08. On the flip side, if i take it '09 I will have forgotten everything and will have to start from scratch. A December Level II exam would really work for me…

I did too. It is time for me to pack and go to forum Level II.

I’ll register on Monday. No need stressing today.

locked and loaded. already started my Stalla L2 class, waiting for CFAI curriculum to arrive…