Regression Analysis - putting me to sleep

So I got my books yesterday and decided to start. Since Ethics is best left until the last month, I chose to start with Quantitative Methods! Let me tell you! BORING oh man… this is going to be a tough 8 months! Did anyone else start with regression analysis? The god news is it’s only worth 5-10% for the entire QM! Here’s to Economics which is the light at the end of this tunnel / book :slight_smile:

canadiananalyst Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > So I got my books yesterday and decided to start. > Since Ethics is best left until the last month, I > chose to start with Quantitative Methods! Let me > tell you! BORING > oh man… this is going to be a tough 8 months! > Did anyone else start with regression analysis? > The god news is it’s only worth 5-10% for the > entire QM! > Here’s to Economics which is the light at the end > of this tunnel / book :slight_smile: +1, I am a 2nd time taker and it is just as boring the second time around. good lord.

I didn’t think quant was that boring. Ethics was the one that put me to sleep the most.

Ethics is mostly the same as L1 though. Come to think of it, L3 ethics isn’t too different either.

if you’re in L3, why are you in the wrong forum? JK :slight_smile:

I bombed quant the first time I took level 2. So boring. I will need to get through it thought…retaking in June 2011.

Quant is exceptionally boring. I started with FSA, am on Corp Finance now.

omg tell me about it! first part of quant is OK, some t test some f test. Managable later when get into MR I realized I am too dumb to understand all that


The quant material seems geared toward an economist or professor writing a research finding. The lack of relavance to portfolio management and analysis make it exceptionally boring! I guess we just have to suck it up and just do it.

JoeyDVivre Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > wusses He’s back! For those of you hating on quant, check out this joint. I’ll be rocking quant soon enough. Hang tight.

Actually, I have a question about quant. Since it is too boring, I’m thinking of skipping it for now and maybe leave it for the last especially that i’ll never be able to remember a word about it 5 months later when I start revising. So my question, is it important to have an understanding of quant before studying other study sessions or is it unrelated to the rest of the curriculum which makes it ok to postpone for some time???

generally, all of the material is interelated…

hey JoeyDVivre, why dont you try passing Level 1 before commenting? :slight_smile:

SkipE99 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > hey JoeyDVivre, why dont you try passing Level 1 > before commenting? :slight_smile: lol

I remember how boring Quants was! I was praying for Econ too. Then I got there… Econ was just as hard with FX rate, bid ask spreads , and triangular arbitrage. Then I was praying for FRA. Then I there! FRA sucked worse with pension accounting and multinational corps. Level II doesn’t get any easier, it just piles more crap on without rest! Then there was Port Mgmt which refences stuff from both Quant and Econ, and I thought “I haven’t read that crap since about 2.5 months ago, how am I supposed to even firgure this out if I can’t remember the stuff from book 1?!?” Then I remembered I was level II and I pulled up my pants and got down to business!

“I pulled up my pants and got down to business!” I don’t get this part. If you were studying the bathroom (a personal favorite of mine and an excellent deterrent for people asking to borrow your CFA study guides), you would pull your pants down to get down to business. Otherwise, it seems that you were studying Port Management with your pants down?