
A dependent variable is regressed against a single independent variable across 100 observations. The mean squared error is 2.807, and the mean regression sum of squares is 117.9. What is the correlation coefficient between the two variables? A) 0.30. B) 0.99. C) 0.55. D) 0.65.

SSE = 2.807 SSR = 117.9 R^2 = 117.9 / (117.9 + 2.807) = 0.97674534202656018292228288334562 R = 0.98830427603373252981915915528105 ans B

Great… Thanks a lot cpk.

I believe the correct answer is “C” not “B”. SSE is not 2.807. MSE = 2.807 MSE = SSE/(n-2) 2.807 = SSE/(n-2) 2.807 = SSE/98 SSE =275.09 MRSS = RSS/1 117.9 = RSS/1 RSS = 117.9 Total Variation (SST) = Explained (SSR) + Unexplained (SSE) SST = 117.9 + 275.09 SST = 392.99 R^2 = SSR/SST R^2 = 117.9/392.99 R^2 = .3 R^2 = Coefficient of Determination R = Correlation Coefficient R = square root of R^2 R = .54772256

ok… they had given MSE which I assumed to be SSE.