Residual Income - Valuation of shares

Stark asks Parker to evaluate whether the common stock of Company D is undervalued, fairly valued, or overvalued based on a residual income model. Parker uses the two-stage residual income model to value Company D’s share. For her analysis, she assumes the following:

  • Current market price is $24.00.
  • Beginning book value per share is $20.00.
  • Earnings per share will be 32% of beginning book value for the next year.
  • Cash dividends will be 50% of earnings per share for the next year.
  • At the end of the year, the stock’s P/B ratio will be 1.1.
  • Required rate of return on equity is 10%.

Based on the information given, Parker should conclude that Company D’s share is:

  1. undervalued.
  2. fairly valued.
  3. overvalued.

Answer 1. Undervalued.
EPS = 32% of 20 = 6.40
DPS = 50% of 6.40 = 3.20
B1 = 20 + 6.40 - 3.20 = 23.20
P1 = 23.20 x 1.1 = 25.52
Simple DDM formula: P0 = (D1 + P1) / (1+r) = (25.52+3.20) / 1.1 = 28.72 / 1.10 = 26.11 > current price of 24. 24 is too low; stock is undervalued.