Results Thread

Congratulations once again on passing the Level II CAIA exam and your successful completion of the CAIA program. You now qualify to apply for membership in the CAIA Association. Woooop. Glad to have it finished, more of a relief than anything. Kind of spooky, last time it said register for L II, and I was like fu(*#$)(#*. This time it said Become a CAIA member today. Feels good ya’ll.




Passed… yippee! :slight_smile:

Failed! :frowning:

MissCleo, congrats and wishing you the bes.t hope you can contact me now as i need help with some matter. hope to hear back from you on my email id given earlier. thanks.

Yay! Passed. Guess I’m fortunate



looks mostly good here so far… wonder what the pass rate was?



When do we find out the pass rate?

“Not passed” Early September looking different than it was a few days ago.

Not passed, Summer planned out for me again.