Return of the Pinkman

Probably most of you from the 2007-2008 LII Forum heyday have forgotten me. But Pinkman is finally on the Level III forums!

thats awesome!!!

Pinkman!!! That is great news. Longer journey than I know you wanted but you’re here. That’s aweeesome. Remembering your background from a lonnnng time ago, I think you’ll be more suited towards L3 and you’ll like the content more. I liked L3 a hell of a lot more than L2. Didn’t like the am section but not many people do.

thepinkman Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Probably most of you from the 2007-2008 LII Forum > heyday have forgotten me. But Pinkman is finally > on the Level III forums! I was there and do remember you. You used to make shirts and pull all nighters then post pics. HAHA Congrats and good luck

Hey there Pinkman - I wouldn’t forget you. Those were some good times back in 2008, huh? Well, not really, but sure happy you are in the L3 forum. I am waiting for L3 results. Hopefully not a repeat of my L2 saga, but I can always dream.

Congrats Pinkman on making the leap to level 3 - tenacity has paid off! Hope the rest of you are hanging in there, waiting for the results…seems like we have to wait forever to get them! K

thepinkman Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Probably most of you from the 2007-2008 LII Forum > heyday have forgotten me. But Pinkman is finally > on the Level III forums! YES! This is a great day! I will never forget the sweatshops. You will do great at L3. Tell me Zim is with you… Two funniest guys on the forum.

Welcome back, pinkman! Does it mean that you are staying in Finance?

Zim is not with me unfortunately. He’s taking the year off. I think he feels there’s unfinished business so we’ll see what the future holds. I always felt as though I was well-prepared during all my attempts but just got unlucky and made numerous careless errors. I kept trying because I knew I could and should pass. This test developed to be more a test of will then what the charter would actually do for my career. This time I made it my b!tch. Level 2: Pass The table below illustrates your subject matter strengths and weaknesses. The three columns on the right are marked with asterisks to indicate your performance on each question or topic area. Item Set Q#TopicMax Pts<=50%51%-70%>70% -Alternative Investments18- - * -Corporate Finance36- - * -Derivatives36- - * -Economics18- - * -Equity Investments72- - * -Ethical & Professional Standards36- - * -Financial Reporting & Analysis72- * - -Fixed Income Investments36- - * -Portfolio Management18* - - -Quantitative Methods18- - *

Well done my friend! You did crush that thing. Kill 3. Finish it.

dang,…anyone got that link to the pics of yall when you had the shirts and beards?

Pinkman, you just made my day. Seriously. Rock on man.

I remember the Pinkman sweatshop as a turning point in CFA domination.