Sample exams of 70, 71, 70 - Good?

scored 73 and 75 on the first two samples. been scoring about 75-78 on the book 6 exams, so i’d say they are pretty close - different format, but the concepts are the same. planning on taking the third sample and the two mocks in the coming weeks - plus i’m taking a live stalla mock this weekend. fun fun.

Where are you taking the live stalla mock exam? I have it on CD, I wonder if it’s different. I haven’t taken it yet tho, going to wait a week or so.

This weekend alone are mock exams in Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Minneapolis, New York, and Hong Kong.

i’m in Boston. I think the CD is the same questions. I chose the live one just to give it more of a test taking atmosphere - kind of a dry run for Dec 6th. plus they have an instructor spending time going over the questions at the end.