Sanctions Qbank

Which of the following correctly lists disciplinary sanctions in order of severity, lowest to highest, that the Designated Officer may take as a result of an investigation? A) Public censure, suspension of the CFA designation, revocation of the CFA designation. B) Suspension of the CFA designation, public censure, revocation of the CFA designation. C) Suspension of membership, revocation of membership, public censure.

A seems appropriate: slap on the wrist, then a “time out”, then you get booted. That seems so logical it must be wrong.

A answering from common sense. Not read this material yet.


Your answer: C was incorrect. The correct answer was A) Public censure, suspension of the CFA designation, revocation of the CFA designation. Public censure is less severe than suspension from using the CFA designation, and suspension is less severe than revocation.

I thought “censure” sounded kinda severe :wink: I looked it up and it is just some sort of announcement by the institute calling you out for whatever. So apparently it is the least strict penalty.

The literal meaning of censure is to just blame and condemn someone sternly. Here is what wikipedia has to say: “Censure is a process by which a formal reprimand is issued to an individual by an authoritative body.”

I was looking up this sanctions thread To add: First the designated officer will propose a disciplinary sanction You can reject and the matter is then referred to the hearing panel you can appeal to a review panel I inferrred this from the question bank can anyone tell me does CFAI have this covered anywhere … i can’t seem to find it ?? the 9th edition handbook doesn’t have it.

It is in the text in like the first 5 pages.

cool page 9 :slight_smile: BTW it stops at hearing panel …there is no mention of the review panel which Schweser Q bank had … i don’t want to take Schweser’s word for it