Schools with most alumni at Google and Facebook (list)


1. Stanford University (1,859 alumni)

2. University of California, Berkeley (1,645 alumni)

3. Carnegie Mellon University (901 alumni)

4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (763 alumni)

5. University of California, Los Angeles (671 alumni)

6. University of Michigan (585 alumni)

7. Cornell University (537 alumni)

8. University of Washington (519 alumni)

9. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (490 alumni)

10. Harvard University (478 alumni)

11. San Jose State University (453 alumni)

12. University of California, San Diego (446 alumni)

13. University of Waterloo (419 alumni)

14. Tsinghua University (408 alumni)

15. The University of Texas at Austin (402 alumni)

16. University of California, Davis (371 alumni)

17. New York University (370 alumni)

18. University of Southern California (352 alumni)

19. University of Pennsylvania (335 alumni)

20. Georgia Institute of Technology (322 alumni)


1. Stanford University (289 alumni)

2. University of California, Berkeley (262 alumni)

3. The University of Texas at Austin (125 alumni)

4. The University of Waterloo (122 alumni)

5. Carnegie Mellon University (119 alumni)

6. University of Washington (98 alumni)

7. Tsinghua University (97 alumni)

8. University of California, Los Angeles ( 97 alumni)

9. San Jose State University (94 alumni)

10. University of Michigan (83 alumni)

11. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (81 alumni)

12. Harvard University (79 alumni)

13. Cornell University (77 alumni)

14. University of California, Davis (69 alumni)

15. University of California, San Diego (63 alumni)

16. University of Southern California (63 alumni)

17. Santa Clara University (58 alumni)

18. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (56 alumni)

19. University of Wisconsin, Madison (49 alumni)

20. University of California, Santa Barbara (213 alumni)

wow, UW at #4 for facebook. pretty crazy considering they have a very small Canadian footprint.

^ Very impressive for Waterloo. I’d be shocked if there was one alumni from my school(s) at either.

Sweet, my school placed top 10 on both lists. I guess that means it is not hacksaw.

Lots of hacksaw here… oh wait, nvm.

This list shows that location is what’s important to me: Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, San Jose State, UC San Diego, UC Davis, USC, Santa Clara, UC Santa Barba. If you want to work in tech go to school in Cali.


^Google and FB are also based in CA.

Microsoft and Amazon, for example, probably have a lot of alumni from WA schools (except mine).

Being local can help overcome some hacksawness.

From Linkedin:

Schools with most alumni in amzn #1 UW #2 UW Foster (??) #3 Birla (India) #4 Another UW (Canada) #5 WWU

Schools with most alumni in msft

#1 UW #2 WSU #3 UW Foster (again, ??) #4 WWU #5 The other UW

As this ranking is based off the number of alumni employed, obviously larger schools are more represented. The number of grads they hire per class as a percentage would be more interesting imo.

Eh…Google is not the sexy employer of ten years ago, and huge sections of their workforce are unsexy support stuff, which is even more the case at MSFT, which is 4x the size of GOOG with huge operations, institutional sales channel and now manufacturing(!) employees.

Like robots?

Location has always been an important factor.

There are a lot of Alumni in back office jobs from my school for sure

I know two of my friends from UW who work in Facebook and Google in California (San Fran I think?). They’re both software developers/engineers. All I have to say is I’m super jealous.

I know two people from Villanova and one person who went to Emory that have really nice positions at Google. All of them started at Google after gaining some expereince and proving themselves at other companies first. You may not land a job at Google out of college from a school on the “non-focus list”, but ability, experience and network trumps university by miles a couple years out of undergrad.

I question the validity of these lists purely because neither of them has Caltech. That seems fishy.

^ Caltech only has 2200 students. Going to be tough to make the list as such a small school

Basically it’s UW or nothing in WA eh? Others look hacksaw to me. Never heard of them.

^No. UW is just a giant. Like I said, this list is misleading as it counts the total number of alumni hired, and doesn’t adjust for school size.

Hypothetically, an uber elite school with a pop of 5000, say, where 98% of alumni per class were hired by top employers (the other 2% are all “entrepreneurs”) wouldn’t be represented in a list like this, whereas UW would be, despite the fact that for every software engineer coming out of UW there are two nurses, one acupuncturist, and five underwater basket weavers (sorry that was Evergreen).