Schweser 3 day exam workshop thoughts?

I’m thinking about signing up for the online 3 day exam workshop offered by Schweser. Is anyone else signed up or know anyone who has used it? Is it worth it for someone who has already gone through the curriculum?

Great question. Anyone have experience with this online-only 3-day workshop?

Hi, there are 2 other threads on this. One of them is

Appreciate the link and quick reply. I did read through that thread and others, although none of the responses specifically referenced the schweser level 2 online-only program quality. I wonder about its usefulness versus mock exams, schweser notes, EOC’s at its 379 asking price.

Well from what I researched there is no real consensus… some feel its useful as a review but only after studying all the materials atleast once, while others feel it is too condensed…

I am considering taking it from a perspective of speeding up my review and getting an overview based look at the concepts along with specific questions for each concept from the exam workbooks.

Usefulness vs mock exams, schweser notes and EOCs is definitely debatable but each serves a different purpose in my opinion… schweser notes --> understand concepts, mock exams --> practice practice practice which apparently is the key to clearing L-2, EOC --> checking concept understanding as per CFAI and 3 day review - simply to review/refresh and put together concepts in a time effective manner and does not substitute practice…

So to conclude is 3 day review needed to pass - possibly not but can it be one of the things that help you pass - possibly yes… Long post but hope that helps…

I’ve had a look at the book that goes along with this course, it is packed full of item set questions which is great for practise.

After watching the online version for about an hour, it seems like a waste of time to me. I’ve been just going through the formulas and skipping through the videos until he will discuss something I don’t understand. It’s 20 hours that I could use doing problems…