Schweser mocks - what scores are you guys getting?

I’m scoring poorly so I’m worried. Just curious what kind of scores others are getting.

I attempted my 1st schweser practice exam couple days back and scored 55%. But i also did the CFAI practice and seemed to have done a little better with 60% so not sure where i stand either… Practice makes perfect. Keep at it.

I am getting mid 60’s

I got a 50 last weekend…and I’ve only taken one so far.

Give me a reason to not jump out of my 34th story window.

60s for me, a ton of careless mistakes. If I could get all those careless mistakes I would be in the 70s.

I’ve taken a few and my average is high 70’s. With that said, I do not feel as confident as I want to and no I’m not trolling. All I’m saying is that a healthy chunk of luck is playing into my results. Whenever I take an exam I circle every single question that I am unsure of and then make a quick remark (forgot formula, NO CLUE-wtf?, answer is B or C?, etc.) If you look at my answer sheets, there are circles all over the place which shows that I could just have easily gotten an answer wrong.

With all that said, I may be in the minority here but I feel much more comfotable when I’m doing old CFA mocks. I think the writing in Schweser is soooo bad/unclear and frankly, it makes me angry.

My advice- make the CFA mock exams the priority first before tackling the Schweser exams. It’s imperative to get used to the CFA style/language so that you’re not surprised exam day. I find that there questions are much clearer than Schweser.

We got alittle over 2 weeks left so plenty of time to PRACTICE PRACTICE and tweak weak areas before exam day.

I took Mock 1 paper yesterday as my first exam with no notes and scored 53% on average. I found it bloody difficult and guessed on loads. Also some areas like derivatives I need more work on so took that into account. PM Ethics I got 2/6.

If im honest I think the Schweser mocks are poor. They’re probably good for covering points but they’re so convoluted and make little sense in question and item set structuring. I would take your score with a pinch of salt. I certainly am and will continue to hammer all questions I find over the next couple weeks

Between 66-74 after 4 Schweser. Also included in this range was the CFAI mock.

I think Schweser is not too bad, some of those I feel very much the same as the CFAI mock.

After 5 schweser mocks my score has been between 74-84, average 78. I will attempt the CFAI mock in 4-5 days, I hope it goes well too. I am barely touching 60s in topic tests though.

Most recent was book 2 test 2. AM 72 PM 75

Need to bring that up a bit

57, 60, 63, 57, 63, 68

Last year I think I only took 2 Schweser exams and got a 57 and 61 and failed Band 9. It’s important to remember that the actual test will be more clear in what they’re asking than the mocks. Keep grinding

How many marks off do you think you were?

That matches with estimates of MPS around 63 if you got similar scores in your real exam.

You didn’t do the CFAI MOCK? what did you get in that one?

what was your matrix like? How many over 70, and any below 50?

Schweser 68/66%

CFAI Mock 73/72%

CFAI Portal Topic tests 70 % avr all vignettes, only Ethics 52 %, all other above 70 % except FRA (66%) and Fixed Income 68%.

If this is true, does that mean for last year 63 pass, 62 band 10, 61 band 9?!? So each band is only just around 1% difference.

Same here man, same here. Lets agree that was a bad mock

I was referring more to the lower end. E.g a 57 meaning 2-3 % per band or 3-4 marks

Batman1 - I’d guess I got around a 60 on last years exam. Personally, I’d put the MPS in a range of 67-63

tau - Sorry, I did the CFA mock. Pretty sure I got a 57.

Also, that 61% on the schweser was about a week from the actual exam. For those of us not getting consistently in the 70s, stay positive. The last two weeks are usually where you start gaining traction.

I only have the Vol 1 Schweser practice exam book, and I’m through 3 half sections with a 68.89% average score so far. I feel like I should be doing better on these as they’re not particularly hard, but I think the way Schweser presents their vignettes is throwing me off a bit.