Schweser or Stalla Video ?

Dear all, Have anyone view the video file of Schweser or Stalla? Which is better ? Any comment? Thank you. Best regards. Kam

The thing is, I’d presume people choose either of the two, not both, so comparisons might be difficult to do for most people. I’m with Schweser; it’s OK. I have no opinion of Stalla, except that it’s not readily available for sale over where I’m at.

Dear Wawa, Hi! Thanks for your reply. May I know your real name? Which country are you now? Any personal email to reach you? Thanks. Best regards. Kam


I used Stalla for L1 and L2 and thought they did a very good job with content, practice material, and making good use of available technologies to teach the material. Some of the presentations by Bob Stalla are a little sleep inducing, but the ones by Peter Olinto are awesome, and the ones by David Hetherington are pretty good too. (note, Peter Olinto doesn’t do L3 stuff, but I hear that David Hetherington does much of them) I don’t know how this compares to Schwesser, but I’d be interested in hearing from Schwesser veterans on their experiences with Schwesser videos.

( accidental double post deleted)

Dear Bchadwick, Hi! May I know your real name? Which country are you now? Any personal email to reach you? Thanks. Best regards. Kam

why don’t you want to know my real name :frowning:

Dear SomewhatDamaged, Hi! Please do not hurt feeling, because I do not understand your reply: “LOL”, can you elaborate more? Do you use any of the video material from either Schweser or Stalla? So now I ask: :slight_smile: May I know your real name? Which country are you now? Any personal email to reach you? Thanks. Best regards. Kam

Interpersonal skills…

sternwolf Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Interpersonal skills… How ironic.