schweser practice exam 2011 and 2012

are schweser practice exam 2011 very different from 2012? if it is, then there will be 6 more for practice? Thanks.

I don’t think so. I have the 2011 Schweser exams and my colleague has the 2012 ones. I see that mostly the item sets have been shuffled across the different tests, though I’m not sure if new item sets have been added in 2012.

thanks for your answer

Yeah I have taken 2011 exams and have not found significant differences. Maybe a couple problems, but none come to mind. As a rule, if you’ve read the books and there’s a calc that doesn’t look familiar… well…

there have been a few topics deleted from equity and economics…and a few topics have been added…there isint a significant difference but yea there is a diff between the 2011 and 2012 practice pprs…