Schweser Practice Exams or CFA Practice exams?

Hi all, I’ve read many comments on how Schweser Practice Exams are actually much harder than the real CFA exam. If this is true, do you suggest to practice on the Schweser Practice Exams or to buy the CFA Practice Exam and Online Test Bank (for 149$)? The CFA Practice Exam and Online Test Bank will probably show the same kind of questions you may find on the exam itself, so it may be easier to study on it… What do you suggest?? Tks a million!

Do both. Crank through as many practice exams as you can…that’s the best strategy.

CFA practice exams

Brent Favre Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Do both. Crank through as many practice exams as > you can…that’s the best strategy. amen. If you can afford it, get your hands on as many practice exams as possible. Heck, I even did the Schweser practice exams twice when I did L1