schweser q bank

I am getting 70’s in qbank questions. What do you think you need as a good indicator to feel confident?

QBank questions aren’t exam questions. It’s really good as a concept check and to buckle down on things you don’t know, but probably not the best indicator of performance. I’m around the same boat you are. Getting 60-70% on practice tests and ~70+ in qbank. Good luck!

I am between high 70s and mid -low 80s in qbank accross all readings. going to do my first practice test over weekend

I’ve been on the 60’s and foudn that the Qbank has helped quite a bit

I’m a retaker and do not advise that you rely too heavily on q bank. I agree with stunnerrunner - good for tip of the iceberg review, *not* good as a measuring stick for passing the exam.

i agree 100% with nycag04. you should use the qbank as a check that you understand/remember concepts only, not a substitute for real practice exams or as a measuring stick for passing the exam. i was a heavy qbank user when studying for level ii last year, and had qbank scores in the mid-70s. when i took my first mock exam 2 weeks before the test, the difficulty blew my mind. if you’re going to use the qbank for your comprehensive review, use the “hard” questions only, since these are also in vignette format.