Schweser questions too easy?

hi, I’m interested to know what you guys all think of the Schweser questions?

this is my first time using them (after using elan for level 1). I am getting drastically better scores on q bank then I am on the EOC questions, which suggests to me that the questions are too easy. Also even though there are heaps of them, they cover the same ground over and over (eg I’m doing FRA right now and there are dozens of LIFO/FIFO inventory questions which essentially ask exactly the same thing).

I think they are a good way to drill the basics but that’s it – gotta say I’m a bit disappointed so far.

If you are ‘comfortable’ with a specific LOS then just skip to the next one. Q-bank is organized by LOS.

q bank is not good for L2

Well, Qbank is easier than the actual L2 exam; Qbank is more of a flash quiz on the various topics. It’s useful in gauging your general level of readiness for each section, but it’s not an accurate representation of the real exam.

qbank is good for learning all the formulas you could ever need to know, also click so you just take the hard questions, which should usually be the vignettes. Everyone says q-bank is bad, but there are only so many EOC questions you can do before you run out.

Failed lvl 2 last year. Used Schweser questions and was grossly under prepared. I plan on focusing much more on CFAI blue boxes and EOC questions this year. Will only use Schweser for basic review on any given LOS. Just my experience.

I am preparing for LII next year. Schweser is LOS based and for me it has failed to clear the whole picture in my mind. Level II requires deep understanding and all dots are needed to be properly connected. Schweser is not satisfying in that regard I am quite concerned what to do. Can anyone please tell how to prepare?

I’ve decided the only way to do it is hit the CFA textbooks hard – I skimmed them for level 1 but this time I’m reading/making notes on all of it. also doing all the EOC questions and going over the answers so I know why I got them wrong. Q bank I think is an ok first step ie ‘do I have the basics of this chapter sorted’. But beyond that I think the textbooks are the way to go.

how do you manage with CFA textbooks? I have found them way in detail… I just lost in them often!

I failed lvl 2 last summer with Schweser questions and easily 6 mock tests. i was under prepared. it would have been better to rip out the pages that Schweser covered. i agree: I plan on focusing much more on CFAI blue boxes and EOC questions this year. what do i know though… just another voice who wasted months… and I was going to buy Stalla stuff this year until i heard about the merger.

Agree that Schweser isn’t sufficient. Based on Schweser, I was beyond prepared, and failed band 10. Schweser would be good as a first pass, VERY basic understanding of the material, but the exam requires you to really understand it, and unfortunately Schweser fails at digging deep enough.