Schweser Videos

Does anybody know when Schweser releases their video sets?

Thanks, is this a legit site to buy from?

That’s questionable, I wouldn’t buy from them.

Hmm, what do you think?

It’s fine as long as you don’t mind violating multiple parts of the Code and Standards.

Schweser’s pre-recorded videos are already out. their weekly class starts, i believe, the week of Jan. 20th.

Pre-recorded videos are available but not all of them are available on mobile devices. I contacted Schweser and Tech support replied some videos are not supported by mobile devices and available only by PC or laptop. Wish I had known this before purchasing them…I would’ve bought from other prep company…

Instead of the Schweser video, you should ask for the Bchad motivational video.

I’m pretty frustrated with Schweser. I’m a retaker and bought the premium package last year. I was hoping to be able to access the 2014 videos and not have to rebuy the Schweser material, but they have blocked my access to the videos. I believe ELAN sent CD’s with the videos for L1 and L2, which I would much prefer because it prevents the provider from making you purchase the videos again if you don’t pass.

I’m trying to find a more “economical” way of getting my hands on some Schweser videos…

speaking from experience…they give a pretty big discount to failers. not that it’s a good thing…but I think it may be 50% off.

This seller distributed copywrited material. Im going to work on shutting it down

I agree, theyre pretty damn brazen about it too!! I mean I think the Schweser stuff is overpriced but hate Cowboys like these trying to cash in on the hard work of others. Hey ho, that’s the internet I guess…

I dont see any of the behavioral stuff in videos online right now at least. Pretty limited # of videos at the moment honestly.

I believe the USB video option from Schweser will be shipping in next 2 weeks (talked to Schweser customer rep on the phone yesterday). Also, the class workbooks should be shipping out today.