Schwesr Book 7

Is book 7 as nasty for L2 as it was for L1? I enjoyed the challenge of the problems in the L1 book 7. But since L2 is all item sets, I don’t know how useful the L2 book 7 would be. Thanks guys, Daniel

Nasty **** is A.K.A Book 7 - Level doesnt matter. Oh usefulness it will bother you much, and make u feel like *&^% if you cant get thing right.

i probably used 1/2 of book 7. it’s more difficult, but i thought it was pretty useful for practice, even if you don’t do the whole test, just knocking out vignettes as stand alone questions just to drill the format in… you just have to know not to beat yourself up if you score lower than you’d expect… if you have it, i’d definitely use it… if you’re thinking about buying it, i’d probably go to the bsas test first… (i never took the bsas test for practice, but have always heard good things about it.)

Am I missing something? I have books 1-5 + I have practice exam books 1-2. Book 7?

Exam book 2 is book 7

thanks…I was worried about that.