Seeking Alpha on Level II

I’m just curious if people would mention any topics they think people will bypass overall but feel will be tested a bit heavier. I’m trying to find alpha beyond the pure Schweser studies. Since I cannot ask if I cannot give, my feeling is that Real Estate and valuations are going to be hit bigger than anyone will hint to.

I think the interest rate effects on the value of futures and forwards will be tested for sure. A very small side point but a definite question from where I see it.

I think we better be ready to be drilled on MBS’s and other structured securities because of what is going on right now.

I think it’s easier to predict exchange rates, stock markets, etc. than what’s going to be on the CFA exam.

I think that there will be a difficult and involved time series quant problem.

JoeyDVivre : hahahahha…I totally agreee…I went in with a lot of expectations last year…and was shocked with every vignette that i started reading…HALF the exam was totally unpredictable… I’m guessing it’ll be the same this year…best thing…Know all your SH*T…and go in with no expectations… i think passing or failing depends only on one thing…Fate!!!

mumukada Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > i think passing or failing depends only on one > thing…Fate!!! FAIL. Preparation. PASS.

budfox427 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I think we better be ready to be drilled on MBS’s > and other structured securities because of what is > going on right now. I recently went to one of the John Harris accounting seminars. He stressed that the exams are largely made up something like 15-18 months prior to the actual test date. So trying to predict exam weights based on current events might be an exercise in futility. Basically, have your SH*T together and you should be o.k. (and there’s a lot of it, so bring a big bag). It’s mostly a matter of preparation, but there’s always luck (or Fate) involved. But somehow, the more prepared I am, the luckier I seem…