Self-grading AM

When you guys are grading yourselves, and the question involves circling the correct answer and then justifying, is circling the correct answer two points?

Some questions are worth 4 points, and it will say circle the right answer and justify so i figured 2 + 2

Others are worth 6 points and have you circling two separate answers and justifying each. On these it makes more sense it would be +1 for each correctly circled answer and then +2 for each justification.

Is there any guidance on this anywhere? As in a default amount of points for the circle portion? Thanks in advance!

CFA Institute’s approach is commonly 1 mark for circling the correct answer and 2 marks for a correct justification.

You do not get any marks for justifying a wrong answer.

On the 2018 CFA Institute exam, some of the numbers don’t follow the pattern; I’m not sure why.

For third-party prep providers, the numbers could be anything.

Thanks for the guidance.

Weird instance though–> on the 2018 AM, 2B, the problem is worth 4 points and includes circling your answer and then justifying with TWO reasons. This would imply that the two reasons add up to 3 points and that there’s just discretion there on how complete those reaons are? Seems to conflict with any systematic way of gradding…

Which is why I wrote, above, “On the 2018 CFA Institute exam, some of the numbers don’t follow the pattern; I’m not sure why.

A-ha. Sorry for missing that…

It’s Saturday.

Nobody ever suffered a loss from missing a sentence or two on a Saturday.


good afternoon! could i send you a private message about your grading service? but do you take schweser? i just finished vol 2 exam 2 AM and self graded, but i want to make sure the score is real.


I’ll have to see the exam and guideline answers before I agree to mark it.