This is a 68%. Any advice on paying $100 for retabulation? Level 2: Fail The table below illustrates your subject matter strengths and weaknesses. The three columns on the right are marked with asterisks to indicate your performance on each question or topic area. Item Set Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% - Derivatives 36 - * - - Economics 18 - - * - Equity Analysis 72 - - * - Ethical & Professional Stnds. 36 - * - - Financial Statement Analysis 108 - - * - Fixed Income Analysis 36 - * - - General Portfolio Management 36 * - - - Quantitative Analysis 18 * - -
no, its not a 68%, save your money
Dmerkin - Save your money! I passed 5 of the 8 sections…considered retabulating - then read their little disclaimer which clearly says “Scores will only be recalculated no re-assessed” …so I figured it was pointless…some people around me still think I should do it.but I’m not entirely convinced!
Not entirely convinced? I have never heard of anyone having their grade overturned in this way. Certainly nobody on AF has said they had theirs changed.
that is total bull that they can’t reassess. Total ripoff that you pay $100 so that someone goes 1+2+3=6. If only the pay rates of CFAs were not so lucrative…Dmerkin, this looks like a long shot but if you have $100 laying around why the hell not.
Min possible score 58% Max possible score 83% 40/60/80 score 68%