sick employee cost Chipotle $1Billion

is he/she fired or no?

^you ever think all these outbreaks and manmade to trade on? it’d be real easy to get an employee to serve some nasty food / procreate some nasty work environment and have a quick breakout.

MCDs on the other hand is immune to this. You are guaranteed to die or siht your pants but that is expected.

On to the question - yeah, that employee was fired on the spot not before having to consume a massive burrito to induce both a mental and physical feeling of feeling like siht.


they covered that in Billions

i could actually see some sleazy hedge fund doing this. seriously who comes to work with norovirus???

norovirus comes with various symptoms for different hosts. one person could be puking their guts out for 36 hours straight and another with the same strain could just have nausea and a little diarrhea. he/she could’ve had very mild symptoms and a mild cold on top of it which made him/her highly contagious. odds are he/she was ralphing or crapping all over the bathroom and not washing his/her hands.

i think norovirus is probably the most misunderstood illness in the world today. nobody even knows what it is, how it’s contracted and what to do when you have it. i hear stories all the time about people going to the doctor not long after throwing up to learn that the doctor can’t do anything and yet they probably just spread the illness to a handful of people during that doctor’s visit. i know dozens of day care workers that have no idea what norovirus is. no wonder we have the kind of outbreaks we have, with 30 million people getting it every year in the US and Canada. norovirus is basically the only reason why i’m a germaphobe because nobody takes precautions.