Silver or lead? -Pablo Escobar

i finally saw narcos. and my god was it good.

Ive been telling everyone to watch it. Fantastic series, cant wait for season 2!

Yeah I love that show - when does season 2 come out

The funny thing is that when I was hearing about how Pablo was pushing his stuff through Panama, I was like damn, I was living there in Panama (Ft. Clayton) during that time. I knew drugs were going through, but didn’t know the scope or method till I saw that show. Prettty interesting.

Not sure, don’t even think they started pre-production just know with its success they were going to go ahead with a second season

That’s another Netflix series, right?

Yes it is. I absolutely recommend, and I am not even really much of a person who gets into shows like that I mainly stick to comedies. Interesting story telling, good acting, completely uncalled for sex scenes. All in all I give it a B+

I’ll give it a little higher A-


El Chapo is very shit though.The censored word is supposed to say Sh it but I was to lazy to use backspace, but am perfectly fine with typing words that don’t require going backwards . The above statement is very interesting for a few reasons

  1. Our brain is wired to reward progress so you’re more inclined to type forward (writing new words than deleting your previous words)so I can just keep wrong forward but am not bothered to delete an instance of profanity.
  2. Technically the delete key has an ascii value just like any other key, and by deleting keywords you are somehow progressing forward in the sense that you are pushing the pedal to go backwards, so you are pushing the pedal, but it’s only going backwards,now to get very technical here you aren’t technically going backwards but , never mind.
  3. Once you start talking about stupid stuff there is no limit to the stuff that you are gonna say, now I understand how some of the less respected, non Indian members speak so much shit.
  4. I used the word sh!t above but didn’t do anything about not going back and trying to fix it, this shows that as humans our preferences can get changed so easily.
  5. I feel a sense of acute euphoria , a dopamine rush of some kind, I don’t know what caused it but it feels so good.

drug dealer’s net worth

i dont get how pablo escobar was so much richer than everyone else.

Wow – season 3 is incredible (I know I’m late to the party on this one). Best season?

Yeah fool. Way late

Life about who make it now, not about who make it the fastest

drive slow homie

Yeah. Wow.

I recently started watching season 3. The writing and directing seem exceptional. Were the past two seasons this good? I haven’t seen them in a while and don’t remember. I remember they were good, but yeah i’m impressed. Very captivating.

re watching it. well im watchin the chapo version. COMO MIEDA. MATA SU PAPA SU MAMA SUS HIJOS, todos la Familia!