Simultaneously Preparing for CFA L1 Dec 2015 & L2 June 2016

Hello everyone.!! I have registered for CFA L1 Dec 2015 but i am planning to prepare for L1 & L2 simultenously. I know it may not make much sense but i have given a thought about it.

  • Jan to May is too short time to confidently prepare for CFA L2 considering its difficulty level. Thus i can utilize the good few weeks before L1 exam in dec 15.

  • If not all the L2 syllabus but i would target to cover atleast some topics especially topics that are extention of L1 syllabus . may be it will help me better understand the L1 topics.

  • I will plan to do a first confident read for L1 till June 2015, after that i will spend few weeks on L2 syllabus. and then again two months prior to exam i will start rivising for L1 exam and solving mock tests.

I know the plan is crazy but i am not afraid to try something different especially now when i have plenty of time before my dec 2015 L1 exam.

Do share your thoughts comments and critics… Thank you very much for reading.

I think the plan is crazy. YOu should have enough time Jan-May for L2.

If you absolutely must do this, I recommend at the very least that 1 month before L1, you drop all of L2 stuff

I agree with itera, trying to learn L1 and L2 stuff at the same time is a recipe for disaster. I would suggest nailing L1 and then if you must, start studying for L2 the day after the L1 exam. That gives you from around Dec 7th to June 7th to nail L2 stuff…that’s 5 months. That is long enough if you work hard and plan your study well.

in my opinion, a better plan than trying to do two at once…

pass one exam first before you decide to prepare even remotely for the next one. That plan of yours is a sure fire recipe for disaster. Give the one exam your all, and then based on how you feel after the december test - start to prep for the L2 then.

I concur: this is a poor approach.

Concentrate on Level I, pass that in December, then concentrate on Level II.


All… Thank you very much for your inputs and suggestions… Agreeing to all of you, i will keep my crazy plan at halt… I have started preparing for L1, although sometimes it becomes difficult to manage time along with full time work… Seems i have to work harder on weekends…
