Sleeping right above the floor I'll be taking test

This is kinda new experience this time. I’m at the same hotel I’ll be taking the exam tomorrow. And I’m on the 4th storey and my exam class room or hall is on the 3rd storey. Those sign boards about “no candidates beyond this point” and all. This is weird. Anyways all the best everyone.

Hey! That means you can take a nice nap in between the exams, that’s cool

look out for proctors holding exam books at the hotel bar. what city?

And maybe watch some porn. Could be clutch for nerves.


Can you imagine taking a nap in your room in between sessions and the alarm fails to go off on time?

Wouldn’t risk it…

When is checkout time? You might not be able to get into your room at lunchtime unless you are staying another night.

That being said, taking a hot shower between sessions would have been nice.

Nonsense, this is what a wake up call is for. Love hotels for this.

If I were you I’d order two escorts and have them waiting in the room with drugs and booze. Or is that an ethics violatin?

Now’s your chance to print out the entire curriculum in 30 font and pin it to the ceiling! It’s not cheating if you’re staring at the ceiling!