Snooki and Jwoww Show

Any of you guys watch this?

Consumer reports have noted that long term exposure to this show may result in an increased libido and decreased IQ.

Watching Snooki = increased libido? Well, I guess if you’re into that…

its nice to have on in the background when thumbing through reports…i normally have it repeated throughout the weekend on my tv…you can glean a lot from people watching the show…for instance, if you watch the show, you know premium brand alcohol sells, nike sells, luxury cars, victory secret…

What they wear, drink and eat is a leading indicator.

Are you talking about Jersey Shore, or is there actually a spin-off with just those two? I don’t watch Jersey Shore, but from what I’ve seen of Jwoww, she ain’t bad. Snooki not so much.

this is a spin off, just like how pauly d had his own spinoff…the world is looking to see what mike is doing…maybe he’ll take the CFA…

Some people at my work said it was good, but I have a strict policy against reality tv shows. They live a few blocks from me in JC and the doggy day care place is even closer. Still haven’t seen ‘em walkin’ around though.

Snookie want smush sush!


snooki is nasty…