So about that first Democratic Debate tonight..

I can only see Bloomberg running if something catastrophic happens to hillary. I wouldnt mind him running, he is a lot more middle of the road than other candidates and would be willing to compromise

Oh good lord, someone really drank the kool aid! :wink:

All that is relevant about this “I’m a woman” remark, and her whole performance, is that it demonstrates Clinton knows how to manipulate the mob, a basic requirement of the job.

See the “I Have No Dog…” thread, by Galli.

Are we talking about Clinton or Commodus?

what’s next democrats? you played the race card, now playing the female card, what’s next? the tranny card?

You could just use the repubs tried and true method of combining business lobby money, fanatical religious zealots, and strong racist undertones. Seems to be working out great as the base is fired up about getting rid of all the non whites and keeping taxes low for billionaire “job creators”

Exactly, humans haven’t evolved in the 2000 years since Commodus, it’s the same old same game. Entertain the bloodthirsty fools, later they will complain she didn’t do what she said…well complain to yourselves about being so stupid that she couldn’t talk to you as equals.

Example: who was that guy on the left side nobody is talking about? Nobody knows. That guy said reasonable stuff, but the masses hate reasonable stuff, too boring.

Very true. PLUS peope just like to complain in general and give the president way too much credit/blame. its like being the quarterback.

Just look at trump, he is all flash and no substance whatsoever. He literally just says “I will do this” and has no actual plan even. People eat it up though cause it sounds nice to them. He released one plan (his tax plan) which is a joke, why bother releasing something there is no way will pass? Im still not sure if his candidacy is a troll from the dems.

OK, the “I’m a woman” remark was silly, I agree. I think it’s a sign of progress if a woman could be President, but that is not enough on its own to make me support her. I do know some women for whom that is enough, and I suppose if there are enough people like that, it was a sensible thing for her to say, given that women are 51% of the population.

It’s clear that she has to find a way to differentiate herself from a simple continuation of the current administration (if only to convince people that it won’t be another 8 years of stalemate), and she hasn’t adequately prepared for that question (which does seem odd to me).

There were other examples of short answers, “would you like to comment Clinton?”, simply “no”, and the crowd went wild. If you can get them cheering with one word, why use more? Goal already accomplished.

Bloomberg is no longer a republican, he’s been an independent for years now. I would actually like to see a 3rd party ticket of Bloomberg and Jon Huntsman. I don’t know that they could win, but money would not be an issue (hello Mr. Trump) and I think they would really expose the lunacy of both major parties and at least start to make people think if their chosen party really still reflects their goals and values.

Completely true. Hillary’s supporters are very similar to Trump’s supporters. They’re wrapped up in the cult of personality and believe their candidate is infallible.

^ isn’t Bernie independent technically. bloomberg could easily ally with the more centrist of Repubs and maybe help bring the party back to the centre. until somebody like Bloomy comes around and forces the right to the centre, the right will remain on the sidelines.

This election makes Obama vs. Romney look amazing. Seriously, Bernie, Trump and the rest of the rag tag of Repubs (maybe Marco and Jeb are ok) are just awful.

The reason we like Bernie or Trump is because they are candid and not all flip-floppy. Again that’s a great start, but their propsals would be devistating economically and from a geopolitical standpoint. As far as passing through congress, almost impossible. The real danger I see is that insttead of focusing on what is important, the rhetoric in congress and the nation will be dragged down by their nonsensical proposals.

The fact she said “no” and not wanting to comment (all while grinning btw at the totally serious question), shows how she’s so ridiculously arrogant, and her fan base is basically mindless cult followers

RNC tried to put a woman on the ticket once…man, that party has become so stupid. DNC, excluding crazy socialist Bernie, is completely captured and establishment, but at least they care about winning. The very thing that allows the RNC to dominate off-cycle elections (strong voter turnout and passionate base) cripples them in the presidential race: the party is too narrow. DNC is a sham but has a wide tent.



While I think Bernie Sanders’ is right to be concerned about the disappearance of the middle class and the reshaping of the US into an oligarchy that looks increasingly like “Russia but where it’s legal to be gay,” my bigger concern is that he might get elected and have both parties in Congress refuse to work with him.

I tend to lean right but would, genuinely, like to know, what does the right moving to the center look like? What needs to happen for someone on the left to think the right is moving/has moved to the center?

Democrats seem to believe that the center is just slightly to the right of Bernie.