So what did you get for Christmas?...

Just don’t send him flowers, for his sake.

Speaking of charities… Someone told me today that Goodwill is a for-profit organization… WTH?

^ yes. I think people would be shocked to find out how much the people at the top of charities make per year.

I donate a lot to food banks. There’s a lot of working poor that utilize them and the staff isn’t taking a cut from the food I donate.

They are non-profit, according to wiki

CEO of CFA makes close to 7 figures.

non profits dont mean that high level execs dont make good money. a lot of non profit c level execs pull in more than for profit execs

According to the 2012 proxy statement, he made $1.2M just in cash incentives + base. Total comp was about $1.4M. Pretty handsome payment. I don’t dispute he works as hard and what not as a corporate CEO with the same number of employees and organization size. He’s probably fairly compensated.

But I think as a whole we need to stop thinking that working for a non-profit is a sacrifice, at least at the highest levels. These guys are making good coin.

^ That’s a public document by the way, I didn’t disclose anything inappropriate.

A new hat, a Beatles calendar, and a Gumball Rally DVD.

And some stuff for the kitchen.

Non-profits are just for profit institutions that don’t pay income tax.

I was really surprised that I actually got something I like this year instead of useless junk. Got a 512GB ssd drive that I can fit in my laptop. At least this is something I will use !

NFL is a non-profit.

What I got for Christmas this year?

FAT! I got fat.

^ That’s no good if you’re looking for a husband.

But the individual teams aren’t, and all the earnings (~$9B) flow through to the teams and are taxed.

The only bit that isn’t taxed is league membership dues, which is something like $0.25B.

Not saying that’s the right way for it to be, but the “NFL is a non profit” line is a little misleading.

what woman does not think she is fat?

If we are talking about what they legitimately think and not just what they say, then all the ones I’d want to date.

Raising hand over here

Thank you… thank you very much.


In the book Bromion recommended “What women want, what men want”, there was an interesting topic about weight.

Men prefer women with more weight than what women think men prefer. And I’m not only talking breasts here.

Women prefer men that are thinner than what men think women prefer.

You can tell if an advertisement is intended towards men or women just by looking at the women in the catalogue or commercial. A thin woman appearing in the advertisement means it is geared more towards women (just look at the shampoo, makeup, Victoria secret commercials). A more voluptuous or curvy woman means the advertiser is targeting men (look at the girls in Playboy, porn, Sports Illustrated or other men’s magazines). Many women would feel fat if they had Kate Upton’s or KK’s hips or love handles yet they are ideal to most men.