So what did you get for Christmas?...

Hmm… Maybe that explains why American media and especially movies prefers slim, moderately above average looking girls like Taylor swift, Julia Roberts, rather than gorgeous curvy women.

Playboy models are so skinny, they just all have large implants!!!

i dont’ think they have bellies, muffin tops, double chins, fat thighs and ankles…

bozos around the office are already anticipating as if they are a 9 year old kid praying that there is an NES under the tree for them.

anyone interested in these amazing gifts…spending bonus on all this good stuff

Sign me up for the Legacy Collection please. Fingers crossed!

NES? Like the Nintendo Entertainment System?

^ Yeah yo, didn’t you get an NES sometime during grade school? Mike Tyson punch out was where it was at!

^You hear that Greenie? CvM thinks he’s better than you at Mike Tyson’s Punch Out! We need an AF meet-up to decide once and for all who the greatest Punch Out and Tecmo Super Bowl players are.

Bump. Wow. It’s been five years since this was posted.

I got a Keurig for my new office, a Game of Thrones business card holder, and a Game of Thrones coffee mug that says “Poop is coming”.

On a sad note–this will be the last Christmas that my daughter believes in Santa Claus. We could tell that she was doubting it, so we’re going to go ahead and tell her so she doesn’t ruin it for her little brother. (Next year, she gets to help–as long as he still believes.)

And @Sweep - there is no “Punch-out”. There is only “Mike Tyson’s Punch Out.”