Sponge_Bob vs. CFAI

Required viewing w/sound. I don’t show up until the 4 minute mark and they introduce me as Dan Cloutier and CFAI is introduced as Tommy Salo.

Doh! Would help if I posted the link… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noa79LNOFDk

Sponge- I didn’t know you had it in you. You go boy. I don’t even need to ask you how you’re feeling this morning about the exam. Damn… Sponge, you’re a lock. Go. Forth. And succeed. Sponge Bob, CFA

Thanks. I remember finding that video when I was studying for LII some beautiful Memorial Day weekend. Studying for this thing does make me want to do things like drive fast, etc.

wow. i don’t even follow hockey. but that was impressive. didn’t know goalies went at it like that either.

Perfect way to start the day. This really is required viewing.